Appeal Costs Board
To administer the appeal costs fund, which exists to pay the costs of legal proceedings under circumstances where a retrial in a court case may be required or where an appeal against a court decision is successful due to a legal error. The board also advises the Minister on any matter submitted by the Minister relating to the operation of the Act.
Section 6(2) of the Act provides for the Attorney-General, as the Minister responsible for the Act, to appoint one member to be a representative nominated in writing by the BAQ and one member to be a representative nominated in writing by the QLS.
Child Death Review Board
The Board has the following functions:
(a) to carry out reviews relating to the child protection system following child deaths connected to the system;
(b) to analyse data, and apply research, to identify patterns, trends and risk factors relevant to reviews under paragraph (a);
(c) to carry out, or engage persons to carry out, research relevant to reviews under paragraph (a);
(d) to make recommendations about—
(i) improvements to systems, policies and practices for implementation by government and non-government entities that provide services to, or otherwise interact with, children and their families; and
(ii)legislative change; and
(e)to monitor the implementation of its recommendations.
Council of the Queensland Law Society Incorporated
The Council has the sole management of the Queensland Law Society Incorporated which is a representative and regulatory body of Legal Practitioners in Queensland. The Society administers the Legal Practitioner's Fidelity Guarantee Fund, the issue of annual practising certificates and other consequential matters.
Crime and Corruption Commission
The Crime and Corruption Commission (CCC) is a statutory body set up to combat and reduce the incidence of major crime and corruption in the public sector in Queensland. Its functions and powers are set out in the Crime and Corruption Act 2001.
The CCC investigates both crime and corruption, has oversight of both the police and the public sector, and protects witnesses. It is the only integrity agency in Australia with this range of functions.
Crime Reference Committee
The Crime and Corruption Act 2001 (previously Crime and Misconduct Act 2001) establishes the Crime Reference Committee which is responsible for referring major crime to the CCC for investigation and has a coordinating role for investigations into major crime conducted by the CCC in cooperation with any other law enforcement agency. The Crime Reference Committee has seven members including five ex-officio members and two community representatives. The five ex-officio member are the Senior Executive Officer, Crime, CCC; Chairperson, CCC; Commissioner of Police; Principal Commissioner, Queensland Child and Family Commission; CEO of the Australian Crime Commission OR Senior Executive Officer, Corruption, CCC. The two community representatives are appointed by Governor in Council.
Director (and Deputy Director) of Public Prosecutions
The Director of Public Prosecutions prepares, institutes and conducts on behalf of and in the name of Her Majesty - (a) Criminal Proceedings (b) Proceedings in the Court of Appeal (c) Proceedings in the High Court of Australia arising out of criminal proceedings (d) Proceedings in the Court of Appeal being appeals against convictions or penalties. Upon the direction of the Minister or the Director's own motion, the Director - (a) Prepares, institutes and conducts an examination of witnesses in relation to an indictable offence before justices (b) Takes over and conducts proceedings in respect of a simple offence or in respect of an indictable offence being taken in a summary manner. Upon the direction of the Minister, the Director assists on behalf of the Crown, a coroner or instructs counsel assisting a coroner in an inquest.
Director of Child Protection Litigation
The Director's main functions are to prepare and apply for child protection orders, and conduct those proceedings; prepare and apply for transfers of a child protection order or conduct those proceedings to a participating State; and prepare, institute and conduct appeals relating to child protection orders. The Director represents the State and has the status, privileges and immunities of the State.
Disaster Appeals Trust Fund Committee
The Committee was established as a vehicle for receiving surplus moneys from appeals which were opened to raise funds to assist the victims of natural disasters, and were to be applied 'for use in the relief of distress occasioned by any future catastrophe or disaster'. The funds are vested with the Public Trustee.
Domestic and Family Violence Death Review and Advisory Board
The Domestic and Family Violence Death Review and Advisory Board was established to identify preventative measures which aim to reduce the likelihood of domestic and family violence related deaths in Queensland and to increase awareness and recognition of the impact, context and circumstances surrounding domestic and family violence. The Board is to be chaired by either the State Coroner or Deputy State Coroner.
Electoral Commission of Queensland
Perform functions that are permitted or required under the Act. Conduct a review of the appropriateness of the number of electoral districts whenever the Minister requests it in writing; report to the Minister the results of such review. Promote public awareness of electoral matters by conducting education and information programs. Provide information and advice on electoral matters to the Legislative Assembly, the Government, departments and government authorities. Conduct and promote research into electoral matters and other matters that relate to its functions. Publish material on matters relative to its functions. Perform any other functions conferred by another Act.
Gambling Community Benefit Committee
Section 316 of the Gaming Machine Act 1991 provides for the Gambling Community Benefit Committee to advise the responsible minister regarding allocation of non-recurrent grant funding to non-profit community organisations from the Gambling Community Benefit Fund.
Inspector of Detention Services
The purpose of the Inspector of Detention Services (the Inspector) is to promote the
improvement of detention services and places of detention with a focus on promoting
and upholding the humane treatment of detainees, including the conditions of their
detention, and preventing detainees being subjected to harm, including torture and
cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment.
Integrity Commissioner
The Integrity Commissioner has four functions under the Integrity Act 2009:
1. To give written advice to current and former designated persons about ethics and integrity issues.
2. To meet with and give written or oral advice to Members of the Legislative Assembly about interests issues.
3. To keep the lobbyists register and have responsibility for the registration of lobbyists.
4. To raise public awareness of ethics and integrity issues by contributing to public discussion of these issues.
Land Court
The Land Court is a specialised independent judicial tribunal. The primary and general powers of the Court are contained in the Land Court Act 2000. Sittings are held in Brisbane and regional and rural centres where court room accommodation is available. The Court presently has jurisdiction under 33 Acts of Parliament. The Court is constituted under the Land Court Act 2000 to hear and determine matters relating to valuation and natural resources issues including the determination of claims for compensation for compulsory acquisition of land, appeals against valuations for rating, rental, land tax and conversion purposes, appeals against decisions concerning water licences and appeals against a wide range of ministerial decisions concerning State land and interests.
Land Tribunal (Aboriginal)
The Land Tribunal is an independent Tribunal established by the Aboriginal Land Act 1991 to hear and determine land claims made by Aboriginal people. The Tribunal comprises a part-time Chairperson and other part-time members appointed by the Governor-in-Council. Land claims are referred to the Tribunal by the Land Claims Registrar, an Officer of the Department of Natural Resources. As a general rule proceedings are held in public. The Tribunal recommends to the Minister for Natural Resources and Minister for Mines whether an area should be granted and if so who should be appointed as grantees of the land.
Legal Aid Board & Legal Aid Queensland
The Board's functions are to manage Legal Aid Queensland, and to ensure it achieves its objects under the Act. The main functions of Legal Aid Queensland are - (a) to ensure legal assistance is given in the most effective, economic, commercial and efficient way; (b) to manage its resources so as to make legal assistance available at a reasonable cost to the community and on an equitable basis throughout the State; (c) to control and administer amounts given to it by the State or Commonwealth under a legal assistance arrangement or otherwise; (d) to pursue innovative ways of giving persons legal assistance to minimise the need for individual legal services in the community; and (e) to pursue the objectives in section 44 of the Act.
Legal Practice Committee
The Legal Practice Committee (the Committee) was established on 1 July 2004 under section 451 pf the Legal Profession Act 2004 (the Act). The Committee is one of two disciplinary bodies established under the Act to hear and decide disciplinary applications lodged with them by the Legal Services Commission. The Committee hears and decides less serious cases that will not result in the practitioner being 'struck off' the roll or suspended from practice. It also hears and decided disciplinary applications involving law practise employees. The Committee also has an advisory function. It monitors the effectiveness of the rules governing the legal profession's standards of conduct. Under section 452 of the Act, the Committee comprises seven people appointed by the Governor in Council: a chairperson, two solicitors, two barristers, and two lay members. Section 459 of the Act provides for the Committee members to appoint a member as the deputy chairperson of the Committee.
Legal Practitioners Admissions Board
The board is the body responsible for making recommendations to the Supreme Court in respect of applications for admission to the legal profession in Queensland. The board's primary role is to consider the eligibility (academic qualifications and practical legal training) and suitability (good fame and character) of applications for admission at a local, domestic and international level. In conjunction with the Chief Justice of Queensland, the board takes an active role in approving academic and practical legal training courses offered by universities and educational institutes in Queensland. The board's duties also include a consultative aspect, in that it considers proposals suggested by other stakeholders such as the judiciary, the Legal Admissions Consultative Committee, the Queensland Government and the legal profession.
Legal Services Commission
The Legal Services Commission receives complaints against lawyers and is responsible for the investigation of complaints; decides whether or not disciplinary action is taken against a lawyer; and is able to call on the investigative capacities of the Queensland Law Society or Bar Association of Queensland.
Office of the Information Commissioner
Giving information and help to agencies and members of the public on matters relevant to the Right to Information Act (the Act), in particular, by—
• giving guidance on the interpretation and administration of the Act; and
• giving information and help to agencies, applicants and third parties at any stage of an access application; and
• promoting greater awareness of the operation of the Act in the community and within government, including by providing training and educative programs; and
• monitoring the way the public interest test set out in section 49 is applied by agencies and on external review, consulting experts on its application and keeping agencies informed; and
• commissioning external research, and consulting experts on the design of surveys, to monitor whether the Act and its administration are achieving the Act’s stated objectives; and
• identifying and commenting on legislative and administrative changes that would improve the administration of the Act.
The functions of the ombudsman are:
To investigate administrative actions of agencies - on reference from the Assembly or a statutory committee of the Assembly; or on complaint; or
on the ombudsman’s own initiative; and to consider the administrative practices and
procedures of an agency whose actions are being investigated and to make recommendations to the agency about appropriate ways of addressing the effects of inappropriate administrative actions; or for the improvement of the practices and procedures; and to consider the administrative practices and procedures of agencies generally and to make recommendations or provide information or other help to the agencies for the improvement of the practices and procedures; and the other functions conferred on the ombudsman under the Ombudsman Act or any other Act.
Professional Standards Council
Advise the Minister about gazettal notices; operation of Professional Standards Act 2004 (PSA); occupational liability of members of occupational associations; advise occupational associations about insurance policies; improvement of occupational standards of members of occupational associations; development of self-regulation of occupational associations; monitor the occupational standards of persons to whom the PSA applies; monitor compliance with its risk management strategies; to publish advice and information; inform the Minister about issues and policies about occupational groups’ standards; and start proceedings for the prosecution of an offence against PSA or for injunctive or other relief for the offences.
Public Advocate
The functions of the Public Advocate are: promoting and protecting the rights of adults with impaired capacity for a matter; promoting the protection of adults from neglect, exploitation or abuse; encouraging the development of programs to help adults to reach the greatest practicable degree of autonomy; promoting the provision of services and facilities for adults; and monitoring and reviewing the delivery of services and facilities to adults.
Public Guardian (formerly Adult Guardian)
The role of the Public Guardian is to protect the rights and interests of vulnerable Queenslanders, The OPG has special responsibilities to support and protect the rights of adults with impaired capacity to make their own decisions; and children and young people in out-of-home care.
Public Records Review Committee
To advise the Minister and the State Archivist on issues relating to the administration and enforcement of the Public Records Act 2002, to decide disputes brought to it under the Act; and to review decisions made by the State Archivist not to authorise the disposal of particular public records or classes of public records.
Public Trust Office Investment Board
To approve the investment of funds from the Common Fund of the Public Trustee of Queensland.
Public Trustee Advisory and Monitoring Board
The Public Trustee Advisory and Monitoring Board is an independent board to oversee and review the operations of the Public Trustee of Queensland
Public Trustee of Queensland
The functions of the Public Trustee include: (a) acting as trustee, personal representative or in any other office of a fiduciary nature; (b) certain special functions of a public nature in part 5 of the Act; (c) managing estates of incapacitated persons; (d) administering the property of prisoners; (e) receiving and returning unclaimed property.
Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
QCAT makes decisions on a range of matters for the first time known as original decisions. QCAT also reviews decisions previously made by government agencies and statutory authorities known as review decisions.
Queensland Family and Child Commission
The Queensland Family and Child Commission (QFCC) was established on 1 July 2014 as a statutory body. The QFCC’s functions involve promoting the safety, wellbeing and best interests of children and young people.
Queensland Human Rights Commission
The Queensland Human Rights Commission consists of the Human Rights Commissioner and staff of the Commissioner. Apart from specific powers given by the Act and the Human Rights Act 2019, the Commissioner has power to do all things necessary or convenient to be done in connection with the performance of the Commission's functions. 13. Section 238(3) of the Act provides that the Commissioner is to be appointed under the Act, and not under the Public Service Act 2008.
Queensland Law Reform Commission
The Law Reform Commission is a statutory authority the function of which is to keep under review all the law applicable to the State of Queensland with a view to its systematic development and reform, particularly codification, the elimination of anomalies, repeal of obsolete enactments, and the simplification and modernisation of law.
Queensland Sentencing Advisory Council
The Queensland Sentencing Advisory Councils (QSAC) main functions are to provide the Council's view about giving or reviewing of a guideline judgement, advise the Attorney-General on matters relating to sentencing and increase community awareness, publish researched information and consult the community in relation to sentencing matters.
Safer Gambling Advisory Committee
To provide advice and make recommendations to the responsible Minister on policies, strategies and regulatory arrangements for gambling harm.
To act, upon the request of the Attorney-General, as counsel for (i) the Crown in the right of the State; (ii) the State; (iii) a person suing or being sued on behalf of the State; (iv) a body established under an Act; (v) any other person or body where it is to the benefit of the State that the Solicitor-General should so act; and to carry out for the benefit of the Government of the State such other functions ordinarily performed by counsel as the Attorney-General requests.
Supreme Court Library Committee
The Committee is entrusted with the management and control of the Supreme Court Library so as to promote its purposes and interests. The Committee may take such action it considers desirable or necessary for the benefit, preservation, maintenance, upkeep, expansion, improvement and housing of the Supreme Court library. The Committee holds property on trust, receives fees, and invests funds.