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    Office of the Information Commissioner

    Body Name: Office of the Information Commissioner
    Body Description: Giving information and help to agencies and members of the public on matters relevant to the Right to Information Act (the Act), in particular, by— • giving guidance on the interpretation and administration of the Act; and • giving information and help to agencies, applicants and third parties at any stage of an access application; and • promoting greater awareness of the operation of the Act in the community and within government, including by providing training and educative programs; and • monitoring the way the public interest test set out in section 49 is applied by agencies and on external review, consulting experts on its application and keeping agencies informed; and • commissioning external research, and consulting experts on the design of surveys, to monitor whether the Act and its administration are achieving the Act’s stated objectives; and • identifying and commenting on legislative and administrative changes that would improve the administration of the Act.
    Body Function: Statutory Office Holder
    Constitution Date:
    Contact Officer Name: Information Commissioner
    Street Address: Level 7, 133 Mary Street
    Postal Address: PO Box 10143
    Adelaide Street
    Phone Number: (07) 3234 7373
    Last Updated: 04/11/2024
    Review Date:
    Sunset Date:
    Completion Date:
    Body is Active: Yes
    Reporting Requirements: Annual Report
    Max Appointees: 3
    Chairperson Remuneration Rate: Other Approved Rate
    Members Remuneration Rate: Not applicable
    Approval Process: Cabinet and Governor in Council
    Body Region: Brisbane and surrounds


    WinsonStephanieRight to Information Commissioner16-01-202315-01-2026
    KummrowJoanneInformation Commissioner03-04-202402-04-2027

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    Contact us

    For information on the Queensland Register of Appointees to Government Bodies please email or telephone (07) 3003 9247.

    To report an omission or request an update of the Queensland Register of Appointees to Government Bodies, please email All requests for changes will be verified. As a result, changes are not made immediately.

    Last updated:
    28 November, 2023